Lots to do
written on Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003 at 10:23 p.m.

Okay, two things have just occurred to me.

1. When you're taking a shower with your panties and handwashing them while your conditioner does it's thang, you should do laundry more often.

2. I have a fuck lot to do before we leave for Huntington. Tomorrow is my last day off until then. And because I know you're just DYING to know {but mostly because I want a checklist to refer back to and don't like archiac methods like paper and pen}, here's a list.

a. Get Mother's Day gift for mother.

b. Get candy to finish MD gift for mother in law.

c. Research what kind of plants grow in pots to buy for my grandmother's MD gift.

d. Buy gift for Nikki's son's birthday.

e. Get wrapping goodies for above gifts.

f. Wrap above gifts in above wrapping goodies.

g. Put together in a massive pile all the shit that needs to go with us {i.e., things I've bought for my grandmother at my store that she paid me for already but still hasn't gotten the goods}.

h. Have oil changed in car.

i. Find something spiffy to wear on trip down.

j. Gather up as much laundry as will fit in the car to do for free at mother in laws.

k. Pack all accessories.

l. Clean out car and hide all evidence of cigarettes {except the ones that will be neatly tucked in my purse as I chain smoke my way there.}

m. Get together the stuff we need to take for Killian.

n. Tidy up the house and dispose of anything organic so we don't come home to something funky.

o. Oooooooh I think that's it.

I hope, anyway. I'll probably think of a hundred more things I need to do.

Gah. How is it possible that a 3 hour, 2 day trip can take this much planning?

On the up side, I will finally get to use my swanky new Kennie Cole luggage. Heh.



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