Id Girl
written on Friday, May. 02, 2003 at 5:35 p.m.

Such an exciting day. Today I have accomplished.

1. Cleaning out 3 cabinets.

2. Wiping down 2/3 of the kitchen counter space.

Um, yeah. That's it. Gah. I AM going to finish the kitchen tonight, though. Dammit.

Punky just called and asked if Boy and I wanted to go out to dinner with her and ID Girl. I declined, since we've already eaten and we'd just end up drinking expensive ass drinks. Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but since that $400 cell phone bill arrived, we should probably curb the spending for a week or two. I told her they were welcome to come over for a while afterward if they wanted, but now I'm kinda regretting that decision.

See, ID Girl is ID Girl for a reason. She has no ego. It's all id, baby. And as I've mentioned, the house is currently a disaster. A big messy house + ID Girl = Her making some kind of snarky comment about it, and me being either offended, pissed or both. The house is not normally this bad, but we just got back in town yesterday and have had company every day for over a week. I haven't had time to get everything put away and clean.

And since I have to work with ID Girl, I'd prefer not to dislike her.

But I've already offered the invitation, so I can't revoke it. I guess if they call and say they're coming, I'll clean as frantically as possible and tell her to kiss my ass if she doesn't like the state of the house. *snort*

* * *

I called work and got my schedule. The usual, 4 days work and 3 days off. Apparently that "time off" that Moody thought I needed has been revoked. Just as well, though -- we need cash more than I need sanity.

And just as I suspected, I have to work Sunday. Even though it's SUPPOSED to be my Sunday off. The other CSC asked off, so I'm stuck with it. I don't mind that much I guess, but I did like the idea of only having to work tomorrow and then another day off.

I have 2 crappy closing shifts, but I knew that was coming. After I have requested time off {i.e., the time I took so we could go to Huntington}, I always end up working a crappy schedule the following week. And ALWAYS closing the following Saturday.

I haven't decided if that's punishment, or if they figure I should be refreshed and therefore willing to work crummy shifts.

* * *

Urgh. I guess I'd best get up and get to work again.



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